Colorado Springs SharePoint

Powershell to list all Servers and their ServerID Guids...

There is a ServerID GUID for SharePoint (all versions) that sits at the Registry location

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0 named ServerId 

It's not easy to find the GUID in Central Admin.  But the powershell script below, will give you a list of the Servers, and their ServerID Guids:

get-spserver | format-list -Property Name,Id



PS C:\Users\sp_admin> get-spserver | format-list -Property Name,Id

Name : SPED
Id   : 0f31d37c-ab52-4e36-b02c-8706e9f60f3f

Name : SQLED
Id   : 8e869d81-58a7-46f9-83b6-a7ce46ad0e67

Service Account Permissions Sheet

I work in an environment where they repeatedly fill in every single group policy entry available, and they often change ACL's on our server drives without warning/permission.  Attached is a working in progress list I've created over the years that contains everything from what kind of permissions accounts need, what registry entries are required, and what file permissions are required, along with hints and warnings about what happens when you've deleted them.  I've compiled this list over the last 4 years and keep finding more to tuck into it.  It's a fabulous reference.  Updated 24 Jun 2014

Service Accounts Clean.xlsx (53.9KB)